What is this place and why have you brought me here?
Welcome, please have a seat. Here you will find my observations regarding practice and life (or, my practice and my life). Practice, meaning the practice of mindfulness as taught by Buddhist master Thich Nhất Hạnh; life, meaning what happens on and off the cushion, and everywhere in between.
Who Is Polycotte?
"Polycotte" is me, Lauren Thompson. I'm a dyslexia tutor (laurenthompsontutor.blogspot.com) and a children's book author (laurenthompson.net). My original practice is in Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village tradition. My current practice also includes the lineage of Soto Zen as transmitted by Suzuki Shunryū Roshi of the San Francisco Zen Center, and Radical Dharma with Reverend angel Kyodo williams.